Marital Agreements
In what situations should a couple consider a postnuptial agreement?
From Anne’s interview on ReelLawyers.com
Postnuptial Agreements are the trickiest
contract that I draw up and let me
explain why with a prenuptial agreement
that’s something that the parties enter
into before they marry and so the courts
look at that and say well you’re
agreeing to all this and it’s because
the two of you are getting married so
because of that you have a reason to
agree and the courts call that reason
consideration that’s the legal term for
with a postnup they’re already married
so where do you get the reason to sign
the thing right there the the marriage
can’t be it it’s already happened so we
have to come up with
consideration the Supreme Court of
Tennessee has said that if you are
reconciling so if one part’s filed for
divorce or intends to file for divorce
and they say to the other party I’ll
take you back but only on these terms
you’re going to sign this and then I’ll
I I won’t divorce you that that can be
upheld as a as consideration and as a
real contract so you have to be very
careful you can’t just ask someone hey
you know you just won the lottery and I
really want you know 50% of that if we
ever got divorced let’s make sure to put
that in writing no no no no no that’s
not going to happen you’ve got to have a
reason you have to have actually wanted
to leave the marriage and probably
actively taken steps to do that that
would then be evidenced to a court that
you had consideration when your partner
agreed oh I’ll sign this and I’ll give
you XYZ if we divorce because I love you
so much and want to keep you
What are the requirements for a valid prenuptial agreement?
From Daniel’s Interview on ReelLawyers.com
I just finished a case involving a
challenge to a prenuptual
agreement to be valid it has to be
entered into knowledgeably it has to be
uh entered into in a situation that
there’s no duress no coercion
being uh pushed on by one SP one party
over the other party it has to be fair
enough Equitable it has to be clear it
has to lay out the assets that each
party brings into the marriage it has to
be free like if you can’t be pressuring
the other side to sign it by threatening
that you’re going to cancel the wedding
which is scheduled for tomorrow the way
I see these type agreements challenged
over and over again is if a lack of
disclosure of assets that’s why every uh
prenuptial agreement should have a
schedule of assets and debts that each
party brings into the marriage we see
them challenged so often on they just
foisted on the other side right before a
wedding that type thing and put under a
lot of pressure the uh the schedule of
assets and debts is perhaps the most
important part of it now prenups may
have what’s called a waiver of alimony
some prenups will say if we’re married
this long then Alam money will be this
amount if we’re married that long it’ll
be that amount other prenups will say we
agree that if we get divorce there will
be no alimony well that is enforceable
in Tennessee if the agreements held
valid as long as the alimony waiver does
not render the financially disadvantaged
spouse to be what’s called a public
charge and and by that if if it would
render a person so financially helpless
that they would in be on welfare you can
challenge the alimony part of a prenut